Thursday, October 16, 2014

Eiserman readies his troops for battle.........

The season is three days away and the team is very excited to get things underway. Our team is filled with a lot of talent and a lot of character. One thing that I learned about hockey is that hockey doesn't build character, hockey reveals it. When I look around the locker room I see a lot of guys that are hungry, guys that want to be the best, and they're going to whatever it takes to get there.

My favorite part about this team is that we're blue collar.  We're going to have to fight day in and day out. We will not get respect by any team, we're going to have to earn it. The way I judge a best friend is if they're going to have my back. I know if I had to call up anyone of these guys and say" Hey I'm headed to Iraq, and I need you by my side". Without any question I know my teammates would be on that Black Hawk helicopter next to me. So keeping with the theme, three days from now. the Blue Devils are going to boot camp, and were getting ready for war.

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