Thursday, March 26, 2015

Marcus gets us up-to-date.......

Hello everyone, #11 here with today’s Fredonia report!
After a few weeks with a lot of sit-ups and biceps curls here and there, in preparation for spring break on the beach, all the guys are now back on tough workout schedules. Hours are spent in the gym for heavy lifts. The postseason rest is now over.
The toughest part of the year as a hockey-player just began, since the ice was removed from the rink the other day, as you can see in the photo. It’s now a very long time until we’ll see the ice again, we put in a lot of hard work in the gym and we know that working out is our new daily routine, and we have to see other players play playoff hockey even though we aren’t.
At the same time, it’s one of the nicest parts of the year to be a Fredonia resident. The snow is melting, the spring is coming. All the guys on the team seem to be rested and with a lot of energy. We don’t have too many weeks left of the semester, and we can all feel it.
It’s spring and I can feel the hopefulness in the air. At the same time, it’s tough hockey wise. The clash between the two always takes place around the end of March, when the hockey season – and the winter – just ended. It’s hard to know exactly how to feel. It is both the toughest and the easiest part of the year.
Now I’m going out for a run in the nice weather and will then hit the gym. So will many other Fredonia hockey players do – we all know that for sure. We just don’t know if we should do it with a smile or not.
Thank you for reading!

#11 Marcus Andersson


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