Wednesday, January 14, 2015

'Sandy' breaks down the kind of guys we have during J TERM..........

Hello everybody, Marcus Andersson here with another blog post!

It’s obvious that all the guys on the team feel more relaxed now during J-term when we can put all our focus on the hockey. I can see it every day. The guys show up early before practice, the guys stay longer on the ice after the practices, and the guys hit the gym when they are done on the ice. It’s great to see.

But despite two practices per day plus workouts, these guys still have a lot of free time. No classes and no homework! What to do instead? I have noticed that there are four different types of guys on the team – and here is the whole list.

1.       The movie guys
This is the most common type. #30 Nick Harper, #3 Jamie Young, #14 Damien “Damo” Kulynych, and #9 Oskar Gerhardson have a Harry Potter-marathon here in the dorms during J-term. Today I told them that I’m not a “Harry Potter-guy” but I’m censoring their responses to that comment here on the blog. Let’s just say that they love their Harry.

2.       The video game guys
A lot of guys like to relax with video games. For example, #10 Blake Forslund and #31 Jeff “Flags” Flagler seem to play video games in their house all the time. I’m also a video game guy, but I would probably be chanceless playing them.

3.       The sleepers
#18 Daniel “Danny Danielson” Mårtensson said earlier this week, on this blog, that he loves everything about J-term. That is not exactly true. The truth is easier than that – he just loves to sleep.

4.       The hard-worker
#4 Darrin “Darreltini” Trebes does not fit in under any of these categories. He both works and takes classes during J-term. That guy never rests and we all have big hopes for Mr Trebes.

But what is interesting here is, that no matter in what category the guys are, we all have one thing in common: when we come to the rink, we are all well-prepared and ready to go. That’s why I’m convinced that we will keep playing great this upcoming weekend – Curry College and Johnson & Wales University away – and when we do, nothing can stop us. The movie guys, the video game guys, the sleepers and the hard-worker all come together to one unit that just keeps going forward. I know that we have an interesting spring coming up!

Now I will go next door and wake #18 up to play some video games.

Until next time,

#11 Marcus “Sandy” Andersson

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