John DeFeo (L) and Chad Bennett (R) chowing
down at Cranston |
John 'Cully' Cullen in
the Library |
Hey guys Declan here again for another installment of the Fredonia Hockey Blog. Everything this week seems to be going my way, I had a debate in my Western European Politics class and I won it pretty handily and received a 96% for my efforts. I also recorded a 100% on my Politics essay. The changing of the season has become very apparent as its getting colder, its also very apparent that the squirrels that showed up en mass outside Steele Hall. As I was leaving the arena from my workout ,the little miscreants have been leaving their acorn shells all over the side walks and I nearly broke my ankle walking to Cranston to meet up with some of the boys for dinner. Now the day is rounding down, so me and a couple of the boys are having a team studying session at the library. Until
tomorrow Fredonia, have a good one.
Declan Gunovski
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