Brian Doust 23
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Exams almost over.....
Another relaxing day. Without hockey now for the break its hard to find things to pass the time that was once filled by practice or games. Had a nice breakfast with a couple of the guys and took advantage of this crazy weather and got out the running shoes for a jog around Fredonia. Jared Wynia just reminded me of the 5 more days till the end of the world, so not really sure if I should continue studying or not, but as a precaution that the world isn't really going down I cracked open the books for a few hours today. Decided to take it easy tonight and rent a couple of movies from the Family Video enterprise, bringing home the new Batman and the new Bourne flicks. Getting some good relaxation lately finding some quality time to heal the bumps and bruises, must interrupt my thought and say the Knicks got away with a win tonight some how as a Cleveland player doesn't know how to sink free throws? That really blows my mind that these pros can drain three points and fade away jump shots with a defender in their grill but cant hit a FREE throw to save their lives. Im not upset with that performance, signing off to watch Batman! Cheers.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Hooping it up before exams.....
Its always nice to add some change to your regular routine. Instead of keeping hockey, hockey, hockey on the mind, the guys of Temple brought out their skills of another sport. We found the time between studying, laundry and cleaning the house to make our way to the gym and shot the basketball around. After a few games of 21 the Fredonia men's basketball team came in inviting us to test our skills and play a pick-up game. Unfortunately we had to refuse the offer to keep from getting embarrassed out on the courts today, rain check. But its always nice to get out and do something other than the constant routine, which I think really helps keep hockey exciting and fresh, realizing your true talents and getting your mind off your competitive sport with a casual game. With the holidays quickly approaching I was able to sit down and finish some last minute gift ideas, hopefully they show up on time, I'll have to keep my fingers crossed for that though. Getting back to the books now and working to get up on the higher side of the GPA rankings this year. Pleasure to have the blog this week, thanks for checking in! Happy holidays!
Brian Doust 23
Monday, December 17, 2012
Secret Santa.....
Another fun time with the Fredonia State Blue Devil family. The boys got
together again today in a rematch of yesterday's Canada/US scrimmage. I
was pleased to get the call once again to mind the net for Team Canada.
Brad Nunn, #17 this season, was the opposing goaltender. He was the
best goal tender I must admit as I could not close my 5-hole if my life
depended on it! Tonight was out Annual Christmas get together, no gifts
were shared as of late but stay posted for our secret Santa updates!
Happy Holidays, I hope Santa spoils you better than my secret Santa this
Brian Doust #23
Brian Doust #23
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Feels weird not being on the ice...
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Stephen Castriota adn Jared Wynia have lunch at Cranston Marche' |
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Good battle against Penn State
Tough loss last night, the boys battle hard just didn't have the bounces, story of our first semester. On a positive note the boys spirits are high and hopefully for a strong second half finish of SUNYAC play. Classes winding down now really starting to get into holiday mode, ready to throw on the lounge gear and relax. Did some Christmas shopping tonight at the galleria in buffalo tonight, hopefully all finished now as the wallets feeling a bit light this time of year. Looking forward to the break and coming back regenerated to make a strong run in puck!
Brian Doust 23
Brian Doust 23
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Today was a good day
Today was a good day.
was a nice change in pace from a stressful, work filled semester. Turns
out that the usual morning microeconomics class was cancelled for the
this wonderful Monday morning and myself and three teammates, two
housemates, were able to catch another much needed hour of sleep before
cracking a book. Got a quick lunch with a couple of the boys on the
squad at the always nutritious Cranston Marché. I was able to enjoy a
nice entree of perogies a healthy salad and some fruit to cap off a
great lunch. Class in the afternoon was nice and easy gearing down for
dead week we continued our presentations in Epic and Romance where I was
able to score an A+ on last Friday, so today I got to kick back and
just listen and review. I concluded my day by finishing up on some
Performing Arts performance critiques and re-watching the HBO TV show
Entourage. Time to get some rest for the big game tomorrow against Division I, Penn State, should be a good match-up before Christmas break.
Can't wait to get out there, hope to see you all out on the ice come
game time tomorrow!
Brian Doust 23
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The performing arts brochure I'm writing a critique on for class and the HBO hit TV series Entourage I'm watching! |
Monday, December 10, 2012
The boys getting the bus legs out, walking up the hill to Elmira's Dome |
Enjoying a nice Sunday with the boys of 102 temple street today
reflecting on a positive weekend. A big home and home weekend against
the Elmira Eagles proved to be a positive sign of good things to come.
After starting the season pretty slow the boys were able to rally and
come out flying friday with a big win 4-2. Saturday was a hard fought
loss 4-1 but the score really did not reflect the play, commitment and
attitude displayed by the boys on our squad. We battled hard putting
pressure on them out shooting them and tallying 17 on their net with 37
for the game. Looking to take the positives out and look forward to
playing the Division 1 Penn State at the Steele Hall on tuesday night!
Nothing much exciting going on in the famous 102
temple house, we spent it relaxing watching some football games,
basketball games and going over some notes gearing up for finals in just
a weeks time. Excited to get at the ice tomorrow as we get set for Penn
State which we look to build on a strong second half as a team to beat
in the SUNYAC. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, stay tuned for more
exciting news from the Blue Devils this week!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Ready to go this weekend......
Thursday night here in Fredonia. Another great day of practice earlier today and I can say the boys are definitely ready to go tomorrow. With a big home and home coming up we're going to have to take it one period at a time. I'm sure Matty Owczarczak will be ready to go tomorrow night and getting the 'W' will make playing Elmira that much better. I've heard they have a big team, but with our physical/grinding style of play we will just havwe to give it right back to them. Other than getting ready for this weekend of hockey, I'm just finishing up an essay here in the library before I head back to the apartment for another NHL 13 matchup with Declan aka Dekey Gunovski. Looking forward to being done with classes for the week, the last couple weeks before finals are always the most stressful. Luckily we have a good group of guys here who keep up with the schoolwork so there's always somebody to hangout with on these long nights in the library.
Until next time,
Ian Ellenberger 27
Until next time,
Ian Ellenberger 27
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Dinner at Cranny
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Christ in action. |
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Warm in Fredonia
Before my 12:30 class so I'm not swamped with work tonight. Being in the
library makes me appreciate my junior hockey days of just having hockey
to worry about. It's a pretty odd day here in Fredonia thus far, its
about 60 degrees or so and I'm in sandals, jeans and short sleeve shirt.
Keep in mind it's December here in western NY, pretty strange weather
for us especially at this time of year. Earlier today I had made plans
to visit my older brother in Washington, DC over Christmas break.
Although he's already coming back to Hershey to visit for Christmas,
it's always great to get down to DC to visit he and his wife. I'll be
making the three hour trek from my hometown of Hershey, PA with two
of my good friends from home so it should be a good time. That's all I
have for now here in Fred.
Ian Ellenberger
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
'A' successful day.....
It's about 10:30 here in Fredonia and I'm just about to wind down another
long school day. I just got back to the apartment from working on
homework with a few of the fellas at the library. Overall it was a
pretty successful day, getting an 'A' on my Chemistry quiz and another 'A' on
a history exam. Hard work pays off, but I can't wait to put the books
aside for a bit when Christmas break begins. I've already been making
some plans with some friends back home in Hershey, it's always great to
catch up with family, friends from high school and past hockey teams. It
seems like just yesterday I left home for the first time at 17 to begin
my junior hockey career. But for now its time to focus on school and
hockey and finishing out the semester strong. Also, had some pretty
abnormal weather here today. Hopefully everybody on the team was able to
soak it in, the brutal j-term weather will be here before we know it.
Ian Ellenberger
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Bergler
The Bergler here, with my first blog post of the school year. I'm sitting here in our apartment with my good buddy Declan watching "The Walking Dead." It's the first time I've ever seen this show and I have to admit I think I just got addicted. I'm not a big TV guy, but it's nice to relax on the couch for a bit before another big school and hockey week begins. Once this episode is over I'll most likely get to work for my music class, I have to have two papers written for the class before Dec. 13. I have to admit I'm looking forward to getting all of these CCC's out of the way. It's hard to believe its already December 2nd, seems like the semester had just started and its also hard to believe that we only have three games until Christmas break. A sweep of our home and home with Elmira would be huge this coming weekend, and I'm sure former Elmira Soaring Eagle and current Blue Devil Marty Owczarczak is looking forward to this weekend of hockey.
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Declan doing work on Sunday. |
Ian Ellenberger
Friday, November 30, 2012
Close, but no cigar.......
Today was a pretty normal day filled with classes and hockey. Class dragged on as I have a few late classes from six to seven then seven to eight. Hockey was as it always is on a Thursday. A few drills, followed by working on our powerplay and penalty kill. The shootout did not go as expected, as the Canadians managed to pull out with the victory. The US guys came a little more prepared as it came down to the final puck at both ends. I held my own in the net while the boys at the other end could not seem to find twine. All in all Thursday was a successful and productive day and now everything is focused on tomorrow. Buffalo State Bengals are coming into town and they will be in for an absolute battle on the ice at 7 pm.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Biggest two points of the season coming.
Although only a day has gone by since the last blog post so much has
happened. The hockey team started off the day with a practice at 6:30 am.
It may seem a little early for most college students, it was actually
pretty enjoyable. There is nothing better than to start your day with
playing some hockey, and getting the blood flowing. It was nice to see
some familiar faces out on the ice, such as Alex Perkins and Mark
Friesen as both of them were out for a little while with some minor
injuries. Tomorrow however both those faces will not be welcoming to see
as they are both Canadians. Tomorrow is Thursday which only means one
thing. US Canada showdown. Although the US team has yet to pull out a
win and hang the flag in the locker room, I believe the tide has turned
and we will come out with the win. With Perkins and Friesen being out
with injuries, we need to capitalize on those weaknesses. Jared Wynia
had a little longer break than the rest of the team, however I don't
think a nice tan helps you score goals in the shootout.
-Tyler Palmerton #30
If you were wondering how the relationship was going with John and his
mistress, don't be alarmed. I have not forgotten to keep you informed.
Day two of the relationship involves him having a nice hang out in the
dorms with his right arm lady, relaxing and watching a movie. But I am
sure he will bring his A game in the shootout.
The most important thing however about tomorrow is
actually not the shootout. We have a big game on Friday to prepare for
as the Buffalo State Bengals will be entering Steele Hall. We just need
to put those fine touches on our game, make sure we have everything
ready for the weekend as it will be like a playoff game. Biggest two
points of the season coming.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Breakfast at Timmy's
Sitting here in the Student Athlete lounge with Ryan Wilkinson and Mitch
Kaufmann doing a little homework before practice later this afternoon.
Earlier today I enjoyed a nice breakfast at Tim Horton's cafe located
right on campus in the Williams Center with John O'Connor. We had plenty
to talk about as he recently decided to settle down with a wonderful
young lady whom he has been conversing with for the past few weeks. He
told me he wanted to begin a relationship at the beginning of break when
he spent the night at her residence in Orchard Park before heading home
to see his family. He went to enjoy a nice nap later on at her place on
campus, however she was already napping. They most likely will be
hanging out later on tonight. However I wont be there to accompany them
as I have a major homework assignment due tomorrow, so my evening will
be spent in the library and the learning center after a few night
classes and a great practice.
-Tyler Palmerton #30
Sometimes it is difficult to balance athletics and school, but then
again I would not want to be doing anything else. I cannot imagine life
without hockey, or even hockey without school. Featuring I never played
Juniors, school and hockey have always been tied together. Hockey
provides a way to get away from it all, to focus on something else other
than your every day activities. To get your mind off of a recent
relationship, or a break from studying for an exam. They say exercise
can improve your mood and boost your energy. What a more perfect way to
exercise than with a bunch of your closest friends playing a sport that
all of those close friends have a passion for. Which in return will help
you with that exam you need to do well on or the relationship that may
not be all you hoped for.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Arriving back to campus after an enjoyable break in Baltimore and Washington D.C. was filled with both excitement and calmness. It felt good to be back with the boys lacing up the skates and getting the rust off. Although three practices in less than 24 hours was exhausting, it was also nice. Nothing to do besides playing hockey and relaxing watching TV in the off time. However with benefits comes misfortunes. Today was our first day back to school which means these next few weeks are going to go back fast, fast and hard. Cracking open the books, late nights in the library, going over page after page of notes. However with hard work comes rewards, Christmas break is near. This year I am headed to Holiday Valley for a little skiing with the family. It should be a good time as I haven't hit the slopes in about three or four years. But then again I was told skiing is like riding a bike, you just never forget how to do it.
Tyler Palmerton
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Rival week coming up
I am enjoying this snowy Friday night in the lovely home of Tyler Palmerton and John O'Connor. We are currently watching some Rochester Americans hockey on Palmy's enormous television. It sure would be nice to watch some NHL on a Friday night, but it looks as though the entire NHL season will be lost. Today was our first day back on the ice after our Thanksgiving break, and it was good to get some of the rust off. It may not have been our smoothest practice, but it was good to get our legs back and start working towards a huge game next Friday against our rivals, Buffalo State. Another positive from the break was that it allowed us some extra time to heal from our injuries. We have had a few guys with some bumps and bruises, and the break only helps us get healthy and ready for an important stretch of hockey coming up in the next few weeks. I am not looking forward to getting back to classes and homework on Monday, but we get a couple of ice times tomorrow and a good weekend with the boys before we have to worry about that.
-Jeff Holloway #31
-Jeff Holloway #31
Friday, November 23, 2012
Movember is coming to an end.....
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great holiday. As Thanksgiving ends, it also means Movember is also coming to an end. For anyone who doesn't know, Movember is when guys around the world either grow their mustaches or go without shaving for the entire month of November. The reason behind the mustaches is to raise awareness for prostate cancer and other men's health issues. I think everyone has been affected by these diseases in some way and it is a good way to show support for a great cause. My mustache growing abilities may not be the best, but it is a small sacrifice to make. Our faces are constantly itchy and it is impossible to drink milk, but one month of discomfort is worth it for supporting the cause. There are, however, a few other benefits to having a mustache, as the ladies are always all over us and our upper lips are always warm as the Winter cold appraoches. So for the next week if you see someone with a lovely Movember lip sweater be sure to give them a friendly smile and a head nod of approval. Also, if anyone would like to help support the cause, a few of the boys are accepting donations, so feel free to hit us up at 563805.
-Jeff Holloway #31
-Jeff Holloway #31
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Holly looking forward to boys returning
It was nice to get out of Fredonia for the day today. I visited the good old Reed Library on Tuesday to use the printer, and it was the emptiest I have ever seen the place. It was kind of creepy to be honest. I can't wait for the boys to all come back soon. I am very lucky that I have an uncle living only a couple of hours away, but being so far from Alberta certainly makes me appreciate it even more when I do get the opportunity to go home. As a final note, I went to see the new film "Lincoln" today and I was not disappointed. I thought Daniel Day-Lewis did a great job of playing Lincoln and I definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in history. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and is mindful of all the things we have to be thankful for.
-Jeff Holloway #31
-Jeff Holloway #31
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Vent some of my frustrations over lost NHL season
I am going to take this opportunity to vent some of my frustrations over
yet another NHL lockout. For the past two years, each Thanksgiving
break I was able to catch an NHL game. In my Freshman year, my parents
came down and we made a trip to NYC. We were lucky enough to be able to
see the Rangers play my favorite team, the Calgary Flames, in a packed
Madison Square Garden arena. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the
Rangers ended up beating my Flames, but it was a great experience
nonetheless. Last year, in my Sophomore year, I traveled down to
Pittsburgh to visit my uncle for the break. This time I was able to see
the Penguins lose to the St.Louis Blues in Sidney Crosby's second game
back after his injury. It was a lot of fun sitting in a packed house of
angry Penguins fans as I cheered against their beloved Crosby. This
year, however, I will not get the same opportunity. I was especially
looking forward to catching a Penguins game this year, as a friend I
played minor hockey with, Brandon Sutter, was traded to Pittsburgh over
the Summer. It is frustrating that greed and stubbornness are forcing
me to watch football and basketball highlights instead of watching the
NHL. The only exciting event happening in sports right now is the
Calgary Stampeders heading to the Grey Cup in the CFL. I think both the
league and the players should be embarrassed by the fact they are in
their second lockout in under a decade. I was very interested to see how
Jay Feaster could make my Flames even worse, but it looks like I will
have to wait until next year for that.
-Jeff Holloway # 31
-Jeff Holloway # 31
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thanksgiving destinations.....
I hope everyone arrived safely at their Thanksgiving destinations and
are enjoying some time away from school. I am particularly jealous of
Freeze, as he and his girlfriend are enjoying Vegas right now while I am
still in Fredonia. I will be headed to Pittsburgh to visit my uncle for
the break, but unfortunately he is away right now so I won't be able to
head out until probably tomorrow. As I think about everyone traveling
home to their families, it reminds me of my travels back and forth
between Fredonia and Alberta these last few years. There has certainly
been some interesting events along the way. Following freshman year, me
and my dad were in the first day of our drive back for the summer. Our
timing proved to be terrible as we drove right through Chicago in rush
hour traffic and ridiculously hot temperatures, and then my Jeep started
to overheat. We were forced to cut across about 7 lanes of
bumper-to-bumper traffic to take the nearest exit. We ended up stopping
to buy coolant at a gas station in one of the shadiest neighborhoods in
Chicago. Driving around downtown Chicago with a Jeep full of stuff was
scary at the time, but it is an experience I will never forget. Also, on
the way back to Fredonia this year, we happened to hit one of the worst
construction areas I have ever seen in my life. There was at least 2
and a half hours where there was not even a highway anymore, just a dirt
road. There was no passing allowed and construction zone speed limits,
so it made for a very frustrating drive through Montana. My Jeep has
been through a lot and she struggles at times but I have certainly
gotten my money's worth and she is still kicking! I hope everyone's
travels this holiday go smoother than mine in Montana and Chicago!
-Jeff Holloway #31
-Jeff Holloway #31
Monday, November 19, 2012
As our weekend road trip to Cortland and Oswego comes to an end, our
Thanksgiving break begins. We may not have gotten the results we wanted,
but we have to focus on the positives that we can take from the weekend
and keep moving forward. If anything, this weekend just goes to show
how competitive this league is and that it takes a full 60 minutes every
night. That said, I think spending some time away from the rink and
being with family is necessary. It is a time to put school aside for a
week to reset and recharge for a very important stretch coming up after
our break. Everyone is excited to get back home and enjoy some home
cooked meals and get away from campus food, except for Al, who is
dreading being away from his beloved Erie Marketplace for an entire
week. Some guys had some early departures this morning as they had to
catch some early flights back home. I think this morning was the
earliest Stevie Castriota has woken up since breakfast club as he had to
catch his flight back to Long Island, while guys like Mat Hehr took the
opportunity to head back to Alberta and enjoy the snow and cold
weather. Nevertheless, I hope everyone had safe travels today and I am
already looking forward to when we are all back as a group again.
-Jeff Holloway #31
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View from our room at the EmbasySuites. |
-Jeff Holloway #31
Friday, November 16, 2012
"Gameday Skate"
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"Amanda's here!" |
We had a great skate today
as a team, and we are really looking forward to hitting the road
tomorrow. As always, we expect it to be a grind but we are prepared to
work! I just got back to Fredonia from picking up Amanda at the Buffalo
airport, and it's really nice to see her again! We kept the win streak
going today in the Canada US Shootout, although the US team came on a
little stronger today. It's always nice to get that win going into the
weekend! Now that the schoolwork is out of the way for the week after
finishing a midterm today, it's time to put all the focus on hockey.
It's time to get a great sleep and wake up for game day tomorrow! There
are few better feelings than waking up in the morning knowing there's a
game that night. Each time I find myself excited to wake up and start
the preparation for the day. It's going to be a great weekend!!
- #1 Freeze
Thursday, November 15, 2012
"Enjoying the Experience"
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"studying hard over at Park Place" |
I just got back home from a nice turkey dinner with some of the boys
over at Erie marketplace. It was a good day of practice as we start to
get closer to our road trip this weekend, and I think one of the keys
we took away from today was staying mentally strong and battling
through when things maybe aren't going as well as usual. I got back to
winning in rebound today with a strong performance and some nice saves
on Coach Silengo! Ask him about it if you see him. Anyways, I'm really
looking forward to tomorrow as my girlfriend Amanda is flying down to
visit from Calgary. She is one of our team's (and my) biggest
supporters and it will be great to have her in the stands again this
weekend. I haven't seen her since August, so I'm really excited that
she's able to come see some games. I think the rest of my family is
jealous, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again over Christmas
break. Being away from home is tough sometimes, but it's been a great
experience so far in many different ways, and the bonds with the boys
are probably the best part. College hockey is different from other
experiences, because of all the time we spend together as a team. We
pretty much spend 24/7 together, attending classes, eating together,
living together, playing hockey together and going out as a team. I
have a lot of great memories so far, and I look forward to making many
more this year!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
A great day in Fredonia
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Alberta Boys! |
- #1 Freeze
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
"Picture Day!"
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#11 Alex Perkins contemplates taking up a new sport |
Today was a fairly routine Monday here in Fredonia. After an early class I was able to get a solid workout in, followed by an afternoon lecture. We got together as a team today for some pictures, and it was nice to have one more day to rest both mentally and physically from the regular grind of practice. It will be interesting to see how the pictures turn out! I am now in the campus Starbucks trying to work my way through some homework, having just finished a nice meal with some of the boys at Cranston dining hall. As I'm writing this I see #18 Ryan Edens walk in, as well as Coach Meredith talking to some new recruits. It makes me think of my first trip down to Fredonia, and all that has changed and happened since then. It has been a great experience so far, and I continue to enjoy it! Time to get back to some homework.
- #1 Freeze
Sunday, November 11, 2012
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- Throwback photo of the Canadian boys on Thanksgiving. L to R: Edens, Grinch, Perks, Brunzy, Kuli, Daver, Hehrsy, Freeze, Oye and Holly |
We are back in Fredonia after a trip up to the North Country. It was a long bus ride home last night, and it was good to finally get some sleep back at the apartment. We ended up splitting the weekend, and although we didn't get the result we wanted in Plattsburgh, I think it was a good experience for the boys to get on the road together. We still have a lot to work on and things to address in practice this week, but I think we are headed in the right direction. I felt that we really pulled together and put in a strong third period, showing some character. We have a lot of great guys on this team, and each game is another learning experience. Nothing comes easy in this league, and each SUNYAC game is going to be a battle. We need to find ways to win each night. I was proud of the way we played Potsdam, battling back after an early goal against to come out with our first road win. Like I said, we have a lot of work to do in practice this week and I look forward to getting back on the ice and back to work again Tuesday. I'm going to try and take the Sunday to relax and get some homework done as I have a few papers and projects due coming up. It's going to be a good start to the week!
- #1 Freeze
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Big "W" over Potsdam...greasy as it gets!
TGIF everyone, its game day! I just finished a tough rigorous chemistry exam thanks to Dr. Milligan, needles to say im glad it’s the weekend. Even though its tough being home for this important weekend, I have all the confidence in the boys to have a great weekend up in North Country! Tyler Matecki #22 , Matty Owczarczack #16, Ryan Edens #18, and myself will be nestled right up to the TV cheerin for the boys on due to our injuries! Make us proud fellas. Only a few more hours before the puck drops, so I better get over to the Cranston Marche to get a good pregame meal in me!
Christer 19
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Feast at "Azteca"
Tonight I felt as if I deserved a little treat from all the vigorous rehab, so I just got back from a delicious meal from our local Mexican restaurant "Azteca". With that said, the boys leave tomorrow at 12:30 sharp for the north swing up to Potsdam and Plattsburgh. They had a quick but beneficial practice today to get the legs, hands, and mind going. They'll have one more skate on friday to get their minds completely cleared and prepped. Like always they'll end the game day skate with a little game called CanAm showdown. I know us Americans have had a tough go this year so far, but I have faith in my stall neighbor Tyler Palmerton #30 to pull out a big one between the pipes for the American Boys
Christer #19
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Family is everything.....
Great day for the spirits, last week was the first time running in 6 and
half months. I was only able to clock in 7 minutes and 30 seconds for
my first run time, today I ran for 20 minutes. I think there is was a
little bit of improvement, that just means that I'm getting that much
closer to lacing up the skates. Which I'm pretty pumped up for since I
have not been able to step on the ice since last march. Since were
talking about lacing up the skates, It was pretty cool to see that my
good friend and roommate Mike Hehr #4's father Teddy Hehr was able to
make it down for today's practice to lace up the old jets for Mikey. You're
able to see how enthused he was for practice, just by looking at his
facial expression. He was gracious enough to let Al Perkins #11 catch
this inspiring moment.
Christer #19
Christer #19
Monday, November 5, 2012
Christer has a long day.....
Today was my long day of school, 9 AM straight through till 5 PM with a 1 hour break and it still continues in the library for me. Sadly I was unable to watch practice today, due to my Hefty Monday schedule. Im sure it went smoothly since the boys had a good workout to shock the body before a typical Monday battle practice and also since they're getting pumped up for a huge weekend I am sure it was nothing but hard work, grit, and focus. However I am about to take a break from my school work so that I can fill my stomach at our local Cranston Marche with a couple of the fellas.
Until Tomorrow
Christer #19
Typical Sunday
Its a typical Sunday afternoon here in Fredonia, coming off a great win
defeating our SUNYAC opponent Morrisville in a stressful OT. Thanks to
one of our freshman Chad Bennett getting his first collegiate goal out
of the way, which could not have came at a more crucial time. With that
now behind us we have to start looking ahead to our next opponent SUNY
Potsdam, which will be another big test for the boys. However, now its
back to the books for me. I just arrived in the library for a long cram
session for a vigorous week of school, with two papers a presentation
and a grueling Chemistry exam to end the week.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Game day today! Started off the day with a lovely Meal over at the
Cranston Marche, which unfortunately hasn't made much of an impression
on me over the last 3 years and currently ranks in the late 90's on my
top 100 USA restaurants list, but that's OK. After breakfast the boys
went over to the rink for some video and an outline of tonight's game
plan, all real good stuff. The boys are fired up for tonight's SUNYAC meat
grinder against Morrisville.
Roddy Perkins #11
After the scout we headed down to Dods Hall gym for a
couple games of bump; a game in which I used to dominate on a weekly
basis, but as of late have struggled to make the final 10, I guess my
jumper needs a little work.
Came home for a pre-game snooze and then met team
captain #26 Brett Muellers over at DeJon's Pasta House on Main Street. We
both enjoyed a salad and nice plate of spaghetti. As Brett and I were
leaving we ran into #20 Gary Wynia, #12 Chris Jung, and #22 Tyler
McTecki doing the same. Tyler was enjoying just a salad which I thought
was a little odd, but who knows. Anyway, just going to hop in the shower
here and get ready for the game. Adios.
Great day today! Lots of positives at practice, including a big win for Canada in the Canada-USA showdown.
After the wrestling Andy picked me up and we went
over to the local theatre and took in Disney's latest flick
"Wreck-It-Ralph" with a couple of the freshman. Real feel good movie
with a great story and a couple good laughs, I was more than impressed.
But now just got home and heading to bed, time to start thinking about
Mike Hehr, #19 Andy Christer and I decided to go get out hair cut after
practice, unfortunately our local barber was out of town on holidays..?
And we didn't feel like risking it over at Henry's, so we decided to
head over to Wing City Grille and treat ourselves to a nice meal on
Peggy and Gail. Real nice spot, and quite frankly my second favorite
restaurant in all of the USA, next to Erie Market Place.
After the meal Andrew #19 headed to the library, at
which point Mike #4 and I took in a little vintage WWF; a very
educational documentary on the Undertakers rise through the ranks of the
federation. I feel like the Edmonton Oilers could use a guy like the
taker to give them a little more sandpaper, but heck what organization
wouldn't want someone like him!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Honking and Waving
Started the day off by giving my good friend and team captain Brett
Mueller #26 a lift to school today, front door service. He was a little
embarrassed by some of my antics (honking, waving) but I think he'll
get over it.
Just enjoyed a gourmet meal at the William Center with
#4, I had a slice of pizza and well for Hehrsy the question is more
along the lines of what he didn't get. Poor guy might not be able to
drive home.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy Halloween
Just got home from night class with #4 Mike Hehr, had a great 2.5 hours of Marketing Foundations, some real good book learning. Hehrsy is making a late charge up the standings after a slow start in the class, but I believe in him.
After a great practice and a riveting night class, I arrived home to some of the boys handing out candy to the local treaters; some real cute kids with some awesome costumes. A little different than Canada where my winter jacket would always take away from the spunk of my costume, but that's ok.
On the hockey end of things, I think the club is making progress everyday, and everyone is really stoked for the match up with Morrisville on the weekend. Another couple good days of practice and we will be firing on all cylinders.
Here's a couple of the boys on the farm handing out candy, gettin' in the spirit of things.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sons of Anarchy
Just finished up getting my weekly dose of Sons of Anarchy with Mikey
Hehr #4, Muelly #26, and Chris Jung #12. Tonight's episode was not as
gritty as some of the other episodes so far this season, but hey even
the Sons need a night off every once in a while. Hehrsy seems to think
that he has many of the same qualities as Sons President Jax Teller, but
I beg to differ.
Overall, great day today, looking forward to the rest of the week.
Today was our first day back since Hurricane Sandy gave
us an extended weekend, Sandy seemed to let us western New Yorkers off
the hook a little more than anticipated, but that's probably for the
best. A little bummed out we had to postpone our meeting with Penn
State, but that's OK we'll be ready for them in December.
Had a chance to catch up with a couple standout
freshmen Mitch Kaufman #24 and John DeFeo #15 in the library today.
Nothing but great things to say about those two com padres; very smart
cats. Needless to say the future of Fredonia State hockey looks bright
for years to come.
Sunday, October 28, 2012 day
Sunday's are a good day for relaxing and watching football. Seeing
as it is a bye week for our Buffalo Bills though, today provides a nice
opportunity to catch up on a little school work. I am here at the
library working on some ridiculous calculus and watching Burger struggle
with some chemistry. Will and Declan are also here. Some of us like to
come and sit with the boys while working on a Sunday to keep it a little
lighter while others decided to cozy up at a table with their
significant others. Above is a nice shot of Palmy doing just that.. Your
welcome Tyler.
Eddy #18
Saturday, October 27, 2012
"its a brand new day for some puck"
To steal a quote from @Jwyniaa "its a brand new day for some puck". That
it is and its a new challenge for the boys. Personally, my hand hurt
this morning and was swollen from a blocked shot late in the game last
night. Our knowledgable training staff recommended an x-ray so i just
got home from doing that. The good news is there is no fracture so I
will be back in action right soon. I am disappointed i cant be out there
battling with the boys tonight in such a big game for us but i have
confidence in my teammates to do what needs to be done.
Eddy 18
Friday, October 26, 2012
GAME day in Fredonia and it's going to be a big one!
GAME day in Fredonia and it's going to be a big one! Last year we beat
Geneseo in the first round of the playoffs so we know they will be
coming hard but it is our first home SUNYAC game of the year and we are
ready. I am excited to remind Geneseo what playing in Steel hall is
like. Me and Nosk had dinner together last night and talked about our
strategy for the game, body, body, body, and we cant wait to get out
there cuz its exactly how both of us like to play. For dinner we had
Nosk's grandpas meat sauce with pasta and i have to admit it was pretty
damn good, not better than my own grandparents but who could ever say
anything like that about their own grandparents. Anyways, it's time for a
nap and then it will be time to go to the rink.
Eddy #18
Thursday, October 25, 2012
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Melky getting ready |
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Ian Ellenberger approaches the tee |
This year there was a third annual Business Golf tournament at the Casadaga Country Club hosted by the Fredonia Business club. It was a 9-hole two-man scramble style so me and Cory Melkert decided to enter, and, if it wasn't for a miserable double bogey on the very first hole we could have won it. Our competition was the other twosome we were paired with which consisted of our good friend Terry and a former teammate Dom. I'm sad to say they beat us but they did by one stroke on the 9th to win the tournament. Since then I have been on the coarse a couple of times with a couple other guys. Its really nice to get out there and relax and have some fun with the boys. Here's 2 pictures of Melky and Berger's golf attire.
Ryan Edens #18
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Remembering when it was warm......
I was looking through some pictures today and found some from the beginning of September this year. Palmy was nice enough to invite some of us out on his dads boat a town over. It was a beautiful day and i think i can speak for Tyler, Ellenburger and myself when I tell you it was hilarious watching OC try and get up on the ski's. I don't actually have a picture of OC on the ski's because, well, he didn't get up.. but the first picture there is him excited to try. The second picture is of Ellenburger driving the boat...might have been the reason OC couldnt get up. And the third is just us having a great time with our shades on.
Eddy #18
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Happy Birthday to Holly and Benney
Jeff Holoway and Chad Bennett were born on October 22 so Id
like to give them a birthday shout out. Holly is an old man and I believe chad
just became legal in the United States of America. Both of them are celebrating
their birthday this evening buried in some books at the library. I snapped a
picture of the freshman studying together; bourny defeo and kauf are all doing
a calc web assign while Bennett is.. well we don’t know what he is doing. He’s
in his own world with those headphones he’s rocking. By any means it appears
that the freshman wont let us down in the gpa column if they continue to work
like this. As for me I also have some calc homework to get back to.
Eddy 18
Monday, October 22, 2012
A new day, a new week!
Sunday night, just finished watching Shooter with nunn and nosky, great
flick about a man who is fighting for what is right. . It was nice to
have a day off to recharge and get ready for next week. We had a tough
loss this weekend, it is a humbling experience to be defeated like that.
I feel like every time a team starts a season they may have lofty
goals, but many times they do not know what is necessary for them to do.
This weekend just showed us how much we have to work and get better
every day to succeed in being the team we want to be. We have to
continue to push each other each day so that we can establish our
identity as a tough hard working team. Tomorrow is the start of SUNYAC
play for us and i know everyone is really excited to get our league play
Eddy #18
Eddy #18
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Not time to 'tilt'
It has been a late night on the bus and we are finally home. We have a big week ahead of us to prepare for our SUNYAC opener. My parents and Perks parents are flying down for the weekend, so it should be a great weekend. They are flying in thursday night, so after practice we will go out for a big dinner. We have a big day of football tomorrow so it is time for bed after a long day on the road.
Hehrsy #4
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Great way to start, Kauff gets first!
I just got back home from Wing City for a post game meal with the boys. We had a great start to the season tonight with a 5-2 win over SUNY Canton. The crowd was great and it made for a great atmosphere in Steele Hall tonight. Before the game, I was contacted by tons of Alumni wishing all of us luck and saying they will be listening. I think that goes to show how much of a family we are at Fredonia State. Kauff got his first ever goal in college which is a great way to start off his career, and Marty O' also got his first as a Blue Devil. He led the way with big hits all night, which everyone followed. It was great to see and be apart of. Off to bed now so I can get a good night sleep for Utica tomorrow. Time for a gritty and greasy road game.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Canada, one and O...Opener Tonight!
Canada claimed the first victory today of the showdown in the 2012-2013 season. We had a great pre game skate today, I personally had a little trouble with the whole skating aspect during a 2 on 1 drill, but hopefully that will work itself out overnight. After practice 8 of us went to the beautiful Applebee's here in town and hammered out a few 2 for 20's. We had Crystal Doust as our hostess as wel. After Applebee's me and Teck went to the computer lab and had to write up a paper for our class tomorrow, guaranteed A's. Tomorrow my teachers decided to really spice up my day by making it go quiz..paper due..quiz. Pretty ridiculous friday and game day if you ask me. Here is a picture from our dinner tonight. Cappy's face describes the Yankees playoff run, JD looks like he is 14, I am not sure what Wilky is smirking at, I am pretty sure Tecki isn't even talking to anyone and laughing by himself and Kauff is staring into Dousts eyes smiling. It was a very nice picture to sum up our dinner. Well it is time to head to bed here, we have our home opener tomorrow. Sadly, it will be my and all the other seniors last ever home opener so lets make it a good one!
Hehrsy #4
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Oh Canada
The boys had a great practice today, maybe a little iffy at the start, but we pulled it together and had a strong finish. Before I forget I have to give Freezer a shout out for beating us in rebound today, I promised him I would. After practice me and Perks had night class which was just lovely. A guy next to me slept sitting up for 45 minutes of it, so you know how much fun it was. We also received our tests from the previous class and somehow Perks beat a lot..pretty devastating. Tomorrow is a big day, first Canada vs US showdown. I know Palmy has been looking forward to this all summer so we are going to have to be sharp to keep the Canadian flag hanging, just like it was all summer. After the Canadians win that, then our focus will be on Friday night. Steele Hall is going to be rocking for our home opener and the boys cannot wait to finally get the season underway.
Hehrsy #4
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Classic picture of Perks
I just finished watching the TV show, Sons of Anarchy with Mueller and
Perks and we are all pretty stunned about tonight's episode. Their club
is pure grit, just like us. Today's practice went very well I thought,
everyone is getting out of their comfort zone and battling
in preparation for this weekend. After practice I made an unusual
appearance at the library with Tecki, since we have a test tomorrow we
thought we should go buckle down for most of the night. That was after
Marty O', Tecki, and I had a lovely dinner at Tim Hortin's on campus.
Marty was not afraid to clean up the boys left overs, no questions
asked. Through my investigative work, I found a nice baby picture of
Perks when he attended a red carpet ceremony. You can see him in the
background, front row, standing on the gate. Cute Kid.
Hehrsy #4
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
First day wrapped up
The boys just wrapped up the first official day of practices. It was a good day in both sessions, the boys were fired up right from the start. After practice, Muelly, Perks, Doust, Tecki and I decided to skip out on the AAA Alberta Beef that the Cranston Marche feeds us and we went to Wing City for a meal. We were planning on going to the DeJohn's pasta place but apparently they are not open on Mondays. It is now time for some rest and hydration so we can get back at it tomorrow with another strong day. I also have to mention the beating that we put on Freezer today in rebound, and Coach Bill with the GWG. No better way to end a practice with a win over Freezer, probably because it doesn't happen to often.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Early to bed, early to rise....for Day One of the season
Freshman, Mitch Kaufmann on his first college practice.
Hehrsy #4
Willy got the paper finished and found time to scout as well
Fall break has quickly come to an end. The good news is I finished up my paper and tomorrow I will be making the long journey back to Fredonia. I did a little scouting when I was home. I went to Penn State vs. AIC game. Seeing that we play PSU at home this year I thought it would be good. The biggest thing I noticed was that PSU doesn't like to hit or to be hit. Let me tell you that they got another thing coming once they step foot in the Steele hall. They won't know what is coming. I'm excited for the matchup because our style is such high intensity and physical we are gonna show them what fredonia hockey is all about!
#9 Will McLaughlin
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AIC vs. Penn State |
Saturday, October 13, 2012
One page down, fifteen to go and Wilky riding shotgun on Bourneys cell
I'm getting anxious to get back to school already, I never thought I
would say that. But as Monday approaches I get more and more excited. It's
nice to have our teammate Bourney back and it seems like he is taking
advantage of having Fall Break with another teammate Wilky. Wilky
accompanied Bourney in uncharted territories as Bourney went to get an American cell phone. What a big day for him, I'm proud of him. At my end,
break is going well. I got about 1 page out of the 15 done so the next
couple days I'll be shut off from the World trying to get it done. Other
than that it's nice being home. I got to see my grandparents and went out
to dinner with them, it was nice. I sure miss them and it was nice to spend
some time with them. Playing a sport in college is very hectic and time
consuming but its truly a blessing when you get some time off to spend
it with the people who are most dear to you.
#9 Will McLaughlin
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Ryan Wilkinson waiting for Taylor Bourne who is getting his phone. |
Friday, October 12, 2012
Willy living it up at home over break
Glad to be home for some nice R&R. Day one of fall break is going great, met up with some old friends, got to see my doggies, and got spoiled by my mom with some awesome delicious meals (you dont find these in cranston marche). From what it seems the boys are also enjoying their time off I know some of them are going to our coach's house to help build his backyard rink. Make sure you bring your working gloves boys. Its of the utmost importance to keep in mind that just because we have a break does not mean we can take a break from working out. We need to be ready to go in tip top shape come Monday. Hopefully all of my ma's cooking doesn't make me too slow, I'll do some extra cardio to burn it off. I'm getting excited as Monday approaches but I'm also enjoying the break because once hockey starts we don't get much time to go home. All and all Day One of break was a success.
Will McLaughlin #9
Will McLaughlin #9
Thursday, October 11, 2012
On Fall Break
Today was the last day of ice, it also was the start of Fall break. It is a much needed break where we get Thursday and Friday off of school. A lot of teammates went back home while others mostly Canadians are staying in Fredonia for it. I just got back home in Mountaintop, PA. The drive was brutal because I was exhausted after practice but I'm glad to be home in my own bed. Unfortunately I won't really to get enjoy the downtime of Fall break because I have a 15 page paper that I have yet to start, due on Monday, so its crunch time for me. I've always been a good procrastinator and work well under pressure so I'm sure I can get it done. Well until next time.
Will McLaughlin #9
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Dress to impress
Today was a big day it was picture day for the Fredonia State Men's hockey team. All the boys were dressed to impress in their freshly ironed suits. The hair was gelled, the eyebrows tweezed and the facial hair was shaved. Well, except for a select few who decided to go with the retro look of having a mustache. To say the least they went unnoticed with people only having great remarks about them. I guess its just another way of showing that we are the old men on campus accounting for the select few of individuals that can actually grow facial hair. I'm really thinking about keeping the mustache for a little bit longer it has been lucky. I've been acing my tests, feeling stronger in the gym (maybe due to working out and not related to a mustache but who knows!), and lastly, the mustache helped Team White pull of the victory in game 7 to conclude the captain skate scrimmages. To the boys that grew them: I know its sad to part with them because that upper lip gets awfully cold especially now that the weather is taking a turn for the worse but I encourage to keep them going and maybe they will continue to bring us good luck and great things for the future!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The 2 most exciting words in sports...Game 7
Back to the work week. We had a good scrimmage today, had the lead, got to
relaxed and the 'colors' team made a comeback and beat us in overtime. Series is
all tied up now at 3-3 so game 7 is gonna be a battle. The feeling
around the locker is one of excitement as the season nears and we are also
excited to get have Bourney get back. This week is going to fly by with Fall Break just around the corner. I can't wait for it because come Monday
the season officially starts. GO BLUE DEVILS!!
#9 Will McLaughlin
#9 Will McLaughlin
Monday, October 8, 2012
McLaughlin leading the charge in the classroom
Fredonia in the fall is great. The boys are in school mood and I'm leading the charge. I had two tests this week, but I did great on both of them. My one professor is already impressed, gotta love getting off to a great start. I'm so excited to get the season underway Oct. 15, it can't come soon enough!!
Will McLaughlin
Will McLaughlin
Sunday, October 7, 2012
"I have never been part of a team that is this close in my life "
Nice little Saturday we had here in the fall of Fredonia. All of boys got together for football today and hung out. It feels like the leaves changed over night, this year continues to fly by and I love every minute. I have never been part of a team that is this close in my life and it'd be hard to find a group of guys better than this. We're all excited for hockey to start and I'm especially pumped to start my senior season.
Ken Nosky - #5
Friday, October 5, 2012
Where's the NHL????????????
Today I really just wanted to rant a little on the NHL situation.
Why is this collective bargaining agreement taking so long to figure
out? Both sides of this argument are making crazy amounts of money and
were the ones that have to suffer. I just want to watch some
professional hockey instead of watching the KHL games streaming from the
Internet. It's only October and this is really starting to grind my
Ken Nosky - #5
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Battle tested......
Today was a battle, I had two tests and I had to miss hockey practice.
To say the least it wasn't my favorite day this semester However when I
walked out of my second test I felt accomplished and proud of the work I
had put in. Tonight I can finally rest a little and maybe beat up on
Edens a little in NHL. Even if there's no NHL we still see them on the
television quite a bit. Plus with twelve more days until our season
starts I think well be alright with no NHL games for a while.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Last class...........
Today I participated in my last ever Advanced Conditioning class. I have
many memories from that class from my four years here in Fredonia. I
can't really explain the feeling when I made the last turn, of the last
lap, of my last time running the North Adams exercises. It was a new
feeling but a good one at that, because we are just one step closer to
October 15th. I can't wait for the start of the season and I know my
team feels the same way.
Ken Nosky - #5
Ken Nosky - #5
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Big exam with Dr. Telly
It is now 1:50 AM and tomorrow I have my first Business Law exam. The
teacher is Dr. Charles Telly and he is the smartest teacher I have ever
learned from. I have heard that his tests are ridiculously hard from
players on the hockey team and other friends around campus. However this
test is the hardest I've ever had to prepare for. Ryan Edens is my
housemate and is also in the class. We have been yelling back and forth
from our bedrooms all night about definitions and interpretations from
our book. Teammates really are there for you through everything here in
Fredonia. Well I have to get back to writing my essays, wish us luck
tomorrow. Also just want to say there's a ton of love and prayers coming
from this house for a friend and teammate Taylor Bourne. We miss ya bud.
Ken Nosky - #5
Monday, October 1, 2012
"If it was easy, then everyone would do it."
Today I slept in until around noon and woke up in a pretty good mood.
This feeling stayed with me until around the middle of the third quarter
of the Buffalo Bills game. This is around when they decided to not play
anymore and lose the game to the Patriots. Just around then I
remembered this week is packed with exams. So I checked into the
library, sat down next to Will McLaughlin and Ryan Edens and went to
As a friend once said, "If it was easy, then everyone would do it." Ian Cosgrove
Ken Nosky - #5
As a friend once said, "If it was easy, then everyone would do it." Ian Cosgrove
Ken Nosky - #5
Friday, September 28, 2012
Junger doing the dirty (sand bag) work
It's been a busy, busy last two days here for me in Fredonia. I had my first test of the semester in my least favorite class, Finance. Spent a late night shutting down the library last night and up again early this morning for some last minute review before my test at 10. Feeling OK about how it went. Didn't fail but sure didn't get the A, guess we will have to just wait and see. Just happy its over with. The only thing that was good about yesterday was getting to play around with some sand bags. For our advanced conditioning class yesterday we had our second annual sandbag work out not gunna lie it was a good one my 'hammys' sure are feeling it today. Only disappointing thing was the bags were re-bagged so we definitely didn't get quite as sandy as last year. Now its time to head to the rink to get some redemption for the colored team, we are currently down 2-1 in our captains practice scrimmages. But after a gritty comeback win in our battle drill competition on Wednesday i know the colored team is hungry for the W.
Chris Jung
Thursday, September 27, 2012
How time flys.....
Schools starting to get busy again for everyone seems like all the
teachers are having there first round of midterms so the boys are
grinding it out in the library. It's crazy to think that pretty much
everything that I do this year will be lasts in my college career. When
you come in as a freshman and all the seniors tell you how fast
everything goes you could never imagine how fast these four years
actually do go by. It honestly seems it was just yesterday that I was
walking onto campus as a freshman not really knowing anybody or knowing
what Fredonia was about and now I lifetime of memories and experiences.
Now all there is to do is soak in this last year and everything it has
to offer, and hope it doesn't slip by as fast as the last three did.
Chris Jung
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Junger sweeps four years of run
Today we ran the two mile and I can now say that all four years I have made it in under 13 minutes and today I ran a personnel best . I can honestly say that I am not one bit sad that I will never have to run two miles in under 13 minutes ever again! I thought they boys did really well today in my group. We had a good showing and most of the guys to my knowledge made it. Its alway a little nerve racking leading into it but when its over it one of the best feelings ever knowing you don't have to have to be in breakfast club and that you don't have to do it for another year, but for me never again. Its a hard 13 minutes but feels good know you put forth a hard fought thirteen minute grind. Now that thats over the season is drawing near and it cant come soon enough going to be a good year for the boys I can feel it in the air.
Chris Jung
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
More on the Stanley Cup celebration
Thursday morning we got up early and headed to Trevor Lewis's aunts house for a little breakfast before we headed to the airport to pick up the Cup. When we got to the airport we headed to baggage claim where the keeper of the Cup told Trevor he would meet us. There was a little bit of a delay waiting for the keeper of the Cup to get off his plane, while we were waiting we could see a large case that looked like it could contain the Cup and sure enough that was it. That's when I got my first glimpse of it and Trevor raised it above his head. After that we went in the bus we were riding around in all day to head to where our ECHL team plays so Trevor could do a public event with the Cup. In the bus on our ride over to the rink is when I got my chance Trevor asked who wants to take the first drink? Me sitting next to him volunteered right away. The rest of the day was just hanging out with friends and family and of course the main attraction the Cup at a barbecue then to a party at a local bar for the rest of the night. Honestly, it was one of the greatest and most fun days of my life. Heres a few more photos of the day.
Monday, September 24, 2012
The sweetist drink of all........
About a month ago I got the opportunity to spend a day with the Stanley Cup, my good friend Trevor Lewis right wing for the LA Kings was able to win the cup this year with them. When he final found out what day he was going to get it of course it was thursday of the first week of classes but I new I couldn't miss it so I booked my flight back home. Luckily it was syllabus week so I really didn't miss much. I flew out Wednesday night and went straight to the house that me Trevor and another buddy lived in this summer. The next day was one of the best days of my life doesn't get much better then enjoying a nice cold beverage out of the cup and just getting to hang out with it for an entire day. Not sure what could top it besides winning it for myself and sadly to say I think that ship may have already sailed especially since not gunna lie I did touch it and drink from it. According to the lore if you touch it before you win it you never will. But I will get a little more into the details of how the day went tomorrow. For now heres a little taste of how it was.
Chris Jung
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Looking for the picture of the scoreboard....
Pretty sure I aced my first exam of the semester this morning in social psychology.. Been a pretty relaxing Thursday so far in Fredonia.. No Advanced Conditioning class today so were headin to the rink for a skate instead.. Can't wait until tomorrow for the rubber match between team Matecki and Team Mueller.
Gearin up for the game of the week right now.. Series is currently tied 1-1 but team Tecki is fired up today for a big W.. Everyone's just happy that the school week is over and excited for a nice skate before the weekend.. I'll take a picture of the scoreboard for tomorrow's blog with our margin of victory
Cos #6
Gearin up for the game of the week right now.. Series is currently tied 1-1 but team Tecki is fired up today for a big W.. Everyone's just happy that the school week is over and excited for a nice skate before the weekend.. I'll take a picture of the scoreboard for tomorrow's blog with our margin of victory
Cos #6
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Cos has long day in class
Currently on my way to class from workout.. Solid effort by the 11 am
group this morning. Today should be a long one with class from 12-3 then
4-7.. Unfortunately I won't be skating with the boys today but I'm sure
they'll be fine without me. Gotta go for Drama & Film class.
Cos #6
Cos #6
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Grinding in the sand
Just got back from my Social Psychology class this morning. At the
moment I'm just watching some TV, but I'll probably head over to
Nosky's house before Advanced Conditioning class. Just gotta make sure I'm
stockin' up on the fluids because as all the boys already know it can be
a grind. We have the sandbag workout today but since it's been raining
it's hard to say whether we're still outside. No more classes for me
today, just have to work on a couple writing assignments after Advanced Conditioning class this afternoon.
Cos #6
Chris Jung weighs in on the Triathlon and Castriota's ability to tan.
Monday, September 17, 2012
"back to the grind"
After a couple relaxing days off it's time to get back to the
grind. By far the worst news this weekend was the NHL lockout. The
only good thing to happen to my team was getting the Winter Classic this
coming January against Detroit. Leafs and Wings in the Big House at
U of Michigan (roughly 115,000 people)... it better happen. Now that
every house has a copy of NHL '13 the excitement has been building for
another hockey season so it was hard news to take. Excited to be back
on the ice where we belong tomorrow afternoon, just wish I didn't have
class for 3 straight hours before.
Cos #6
Hehr, Kauf and Perks celebrating their shirt choices. |
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Cos enjoying the view from the top
The first few weeks back on campus as a senior have been a blast. It's gone by super fast but it's hard to complain about being one of the top dogs. I think we're all really excited to get the season going. The changes being made to campus are turning out to be pretty nice, for sure the Tim's in Willy C is the best addition. It would've been nice to be around to see the new science building get finished up, but at least we'll be able to use the new gym for a little bit. I'll be on the lookout for great blog pics this week, hopefully I can provide as much entertainment this week as OC did last week.
Cos #6
Cos #6
Saturday, September 15, 2012
OC wraps a great week inside Blue Devil hockey
OC here again for my final blog installment of the week.... where to begin? We just finished our third week of classes here at SUNY Fredonia. I had a test today I think I did well on, but as my Dad says "the proof is in the pudding" so we'll have to wait until I get my mark to see how I really did.
Friday was our second scrimmage of the year, where Team Matecki was able to rebound from last weeks defeat and take a 9-7 win to even the series up at 1. This weekend won't be one of pure leisure for me. I have a few home work assignments and an online quiz I need to get done for Monday and with that being said its off to the library.
OC #8
Friday was our second scrimmage of the year, where Team Matecki was able to rebound from last weeks defeat and take a 9-7 win to even the series up at 1. This weekend won't be one of pure leisure for me. I have a few home work assignments and an online quiz I need to get done for Monday and with that being said its off to the library.
OC #8
Senior, Will McLaughlin, gets ready for Friday's Scrimmage |
Friday, September 14, 2012
Crime and Crime Theory and Team 'Teck looking for the big "W"
Today was our second annual triathlon, although the running with the
cinder block portion was cut back a bit from last year I think this
years may have been tougher. The reason I say this is because this
years was more of a sprint to the finish then last years. That being
said it was a good workout and I think all the boys got a lot out of it.
It's 9:43pm here and I'm just taking a quick study break, while Palmy
works tirelessly on his homework assignments for the night. I have my
first test of the semester tomorrow (Friday) at 2pm in my Crime and Crime Theory class. Upon completion of the test I'll be headed over to
the rink for our final skate of the week, hopefully Team Matecki can
come up big and get the W to avenge last weeks 6-5 loss. Back to the
OC #8
OC #8
Thursday, September 13, 2012
NHL 13' ...let the games begin
It's 10 o'clock pm on the dot here in Fredonia on Wednesday night. I just got done beating Palmy in back to back games of NHL 13', closing the gap on his 3-2 series lead here at the house. NHL 13' came out Monday night at midnight, so technically Tuesday morning, palmy and I picked up our copy at game stop last night. Hehrsy and a few of the other boys were first in line for the game over at Wall-Mart lining up around 11:40, he was a little disappointed they didn't release it until 12:04 but he was happy to be the first Blue Devil to have the game none the less. Tomorrow we have the triathlon in Advanced Conditioning class, which is a tough workout but its always nice to have a little competition with the other guys.
OC #8
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